The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will not consider the teachers for promotions more so those who have not attended the now Mandatory Teacher Progression Development (TPD) program that is offered in various accredited institution.
As per to the commission’s Career Progression Guidelines (CPG), going forward it is only those teachers who have taken TPD programme who will be eligible for promotions once opportunities are declared.
Since TSC introduced TPD training in 2021, there has been low teacher enrollment and as a result, the announced that it will not consider those who have not trained for promotions.
TSC has announced the commencement of TPD training officially on December 2024 after inviting interested institutions willing to submit their applications in February this year .
Upon approval and recommendation, these institutions will be offering TPD training to teachers during December holiday.
Some institutions offer TPD training online , for instance with Mount Kenya Teachers, several attended to their lessons online using the links provided by the Institution.
During the launch of the program, some of the institutions that were accredited by TSC to offer professional training to teachers in addition to mount Kenya University include;
- Kenyatta University
- Riara University
- Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI)
TSC has announced that more institutions commission will be picked and approved by TSC to start offering the Professional Development course to teacher this year.
Even with several attempts from court orders to challenge the implementation of the program, TSC was later cleared giving it a go ahead to implement the Programme.
The program is also currently supported by the Kenya kwanza government making it mandatory for all teachers.
For those teachers who heeded to the TSC first call, already they have been issued with the certificate after completing their five areas in TPD program and these will be considered for promotions.
The mode of attendance of lessons for these teachers was during evenings and during the nights.
Five major areas that are being handled under the introductory module Teacher Professionalism, assessment, comprehensive school health and safety.
The others Include CBC, Pedagogy and Inclusive Practice and instructional Leadership and Financial Literacy
With the current hard economic times, several teachers are seeking for greenlight on who will be required to incur fees for the Programme.